Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:36 am Post subject: HOW ISLAM CAME TO SOMALIA AND ROLE DIR PLAYED

quote="Muddane Warsame"]E-mail Uu ii Soo Diray nin Direed (Surre)

qoraalada iga yaabshay oo uu dhalintaan ka qoreen islamka iyo doorka suuban ay Dir ka dheeshay fiditaanka Dinteena Suuban iyo fiqiyaasha Suure/

1)Qorahan waxaa uu sheegayaa in nin Direed oo looyaqaanya Sh. Yusuf Al Kownin ama ka weyne uu alifay qurmada Quraanka xafihiisa sida-- Alif la kor dhabee, La hosdhabe-- iyo higaada ku saleysan af keena hooyo ee Somaliga ah. Waxaa uu sheegayaa in xitaa magacayada Surre ee Fiqi (uu ka yimid Qareen diinta Islamka iyo Shareecada) madaama uu odeyga Surre ahaa wadad ku fidiyay Diinta Islamka oo uu wiilashiisa oo Fiqiyo ah u kala diray daafaha Somalia


According to our noble Dir brothers of Somalia. The eldest son and most ancient clan of the Somalis. 1) Islam came to Somalia in the first Hijra when the followers of the prophet fled to East Africa and came to Ethiopia as refugees. 2) So Islaam come to Somalia before Mecca was recaptured from the pagan Qurishi. The eldest Son of the Dir Ali madaxweyn who lived at this time around 643 Ad accepted the faith and sent a delegation to the Khilifa in 732-67 Ad. Shortly after that period even the illustrious Sheikh Ahmed (Mohamed Xiniftire studied in Yamen and returned to Somalia via the Dahlak Island where he fathered the Maxamed Xiniftire branch of the Dir which includes The Isaaq Axmed(Maxamed), Biyomaal maxamed ,Gadsan clans.

(Posted by guest: W.A)
posted at Tue Feb 08 03:59:07 EST 2005 wax is weydiin
abdi taariikhda aad noo sheegtay waa taariikh xiiso leh ee tixraac maleedahay?

(Posted by guest: abraac)

Agoon History of Islam in Somalia from the Time of Mohamed (Saws)

Shortly after the Hijra (670's) the Quraish or prophet's tribe started persucuting muslims and hundreds of the prophets followers fled across the Indian Ocean to present day Zaila and through Erithrea.

It was in this period that the Somalis and their cousines the Afar-Oromo-Harararis and other nations of the horn of Africa converted to Islam.

According to most Historians the people of Zaila who were of Dir origin and Issas-Gadabursi-Isaaq origins, Islam became well established by 800 A.D. By the 1300 century the whole horn of Africa up to Kenya and Zanziber we have Muslim cities flourishing and Muslim sulltanes like Ifat and Adal all over Somali.

As a matter of fact, it was in 1300's that the ancient Somali Dir saint Sheikh Yusuf Alkownin (Aw Barkadle) innvented the Alif-La-Kordhabee or Somali way of reading and learning to read the Quran scriptures. And around this time, another Sheikh by the name of Sheikh Hussein Al Bale of the Bale Oromo Arsi region left Northren Somali and Islam was well established in Southren Ethiopia all the way to northren Ethiopia.

So the Islam of Somalia dates back to the time of the Hijra and many Somalis became muslims even before the Prophet Islamized the Arabs and Islam succeded in Arabia.

Later in he 1400 AD, the Qadiriya Sufi order of Sheikh Cabdul Qadir Al-Jilani spread to Somalia and Ethiopia revitalizing the ancient faith and further incorporating more Kushitics. The earliest leaders of Qadiriya Order were mostly from the saintly Dir sub-clan of Surre. The earliest Surre rulers were called Fiqis (Islamic Scholars of Diin and Lawyers of Sharia). The Oldest of the Surre clan the Qubeys and his younger brother, the Abdalles fathered some of the best Islamic Scholars in the 1600 century and they spread the Islamic faith all over the Somali coast. Imam Surre sent his numerous sons whom he named Fiqis to central Somalia, South, and North.

By 1456 AD, he Muslim Kings of Ifat, led by a Somali worrior, Imam by the name Imam Axmed Gurey (Left-Handed) was fighting Ethiopian Christian Habasha kings who tried to conquer Somalilands. W.A.

="Muddane Warsame"]E-mail Uu ii Soo Diray nin Direed (Surre)

Muddane Warsame

Beelah Direed ee konfurta Somalia (Mudug/Galgaduud/Sh.Hoose) dagan waxa
ay sheegan in odeyga Direed uu dhalay Afar wiil oo kala ah:

Madaxeyne Direed oo curad ah, Mahe Direed oo ku xigeen ah, iyo labada
kale oo kala ah Madoobe Direed iyo Mandaluug Direed oo ugu yar da'a
ahaan marka la eego.

Taarikhiyan waxa ay rumeysanyihiin Dirka Galbeedka iyo Konfurta dagan
dhoor qodob oo ku saabsan tariikhda hore:

1)Dadka Direed in ay ka yimaadeen dhankan Galbeedka bilawgii, kunsano
ka hor.

2)Magaca Dir in uu macnahiisu yahay "Fir" ama Ab. Oo lagu macneyn karo
geesi ama Dhiire.

3)Konfurta Dirta dagan wexey rumeysan yihiin in ay Dirka xukumi jireen
Saladiin loo yaqiin ROOBLE oo ahaa ilaaliyaasha Xeerka iyo caadada

Rooble- Xeerbeegti,Qareemo, amanduuleyaal,Roobdoonayal,iyo mareynta
reerka ayaa lagu aqoon jiray.Guud ahaana waxa ay ilaalin jireen xeerka
oo Dirku rumeysnaa in ay ka dhaxleen Dir Aji abkoodi hore.

Madaxdan oo loo aqoon jiray Roobleyaash dadku wey ixtiraami jireen ila heer xitaa
isha laguma godi jirin, oo xitaa "ILKULULe" ayaa loo aqoon jiray.

4)Waxa kaloo ay rumeysan yihiin in Zeylac magalada la yiraahdo ay Dir
badan soo jidatay qarnigii (700 AD) halkaas oo ay ka soo dageen Asxaab
badan oo Rasuulka(Caleyhi salatu wa salaam) u soo diray magaalada
Zailac Hijradii koowad. Oo dadka Direed iyo Canfarta (Oday Caliga) ay
waagii danbe ka wada asaseen labo boqortooyo oo la kala dhihi jiray
CIFAT iyo CAdal.

5)Dirta koonfurta iyo Galbeedka dagan waxa ay rumeeysan yihiin oo kale
in 1400 ay dhaceen dagaalo far badan oo xabashida iyo muslimiinta is
dagaaleen. Ilaa ay xabashida oo adeegsaneysa (Portugees)burtaqiis ay
cagta mariyeen boqortooyoyinkii Musliminta oo kuwa Direed ee Cifat iyo
Awda ka mid ahayeen

6)Dhamaan waxa ay rumeysan yihiin Dirka in ay door weyn ka ciyaareen
fidinta diinta Somalia iyo Ethiopia dhexdooda.

Sheekhyada waaweyn ee geeska Afrika sida Sheikh Xuseen Bali, Aw
Barkadle, Awbarre iyo qaar kale ay Cadal iyo Cifad ka soo jeedan
4)Beelaha Biyomaal iyo Suure iyo Guure waxa ay sheegan in 1600-1750 ay
u soo guureen duleedka dalka (Gobalada dhexe iyo labada wabi dhexdooda)
mudo yar ka dib dagaladii Axamed Gurey iyo Amxaarada.

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